Reflections on the Pandemic in the Future of the World

The Future of the Tourism Sector after the Great Lockdown

The global coronavirus outbreak, called Great Lockdown, has negative effects on all sectors. The psychological, sociological and especially economic negative effects of the outbreak are expected to continue in the short and medium term. The tourism sector is one of the sectors that are affected by the pandemic most. At the same time, accommodation, food and beverage, transportation and other sectors (souvenirs, carpet-rugs, etc.), which are subsectors related to tourism, have been exposed to the same effect. The tourism sector both in Turkey and in the world, is testing the highest employment decline in its history. The negative impact of these effects on the tourism sector is expected to continue increasingly. The year 2020 is considered a dead period for many sectors. It is estimated that perhaps the worst data of its history will be recorded for the tourism and travel industry in this period. The measures taken under the light of these leading indicators point to a period when radical consumption and production patterns will be tested and travel trends will change structurally.

Günay Özcan, Ph.D., Prof. Muhsin Kar
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.2020.098