Changing Climate: Solutions for Water Management in TRNC

Changing Climate: Solutions for Water Management in TRNC

The solution proposals put forward as a result of scientific sharing and discussions at the "Workshop on Efficiency in Natural Resources and Alternative Energy Solutions" organized by the TÜBA Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Energy Working Group were published in the study titled "Water Management in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus within the Framework of Climate Change".

Statement by TÜBA on the Pro-Palestinian University Protests in the USA

Statement by TÜBA on the Pro-Palestinian University Protests in the USA

In the past six months, there has been a wave of peaceful demonstrations by university students and academicians in the United States in response to the severe conditions, especially systematic genocide, affecting innocent people in Gaza Strip. These students and academics representing institutions such as Columbia, Emory, Yale, New York, and Harvard, have been calling for a cessation of hostilities and urging their universities to sever links with companies connected to Israel.