Population growth, urbanization, and industrial innovations have all had a negative impact on nature and the environment in the years since the industrial revolution. Until 150-200 years ago, the human impact on the global ecology may have been deemed minor. The industrial revolution's expansion in production, the excessive use of natural resources, the rapid growth of cities, and the vast amounts of dangerous wastes all caused to pollution of the natural environment in general, particularly air, water, and soil pollution. The types and amounts of chemicals used in the manufacture of industrial products, agricultural operations, and daily living have increased dramatically, and this situation is predicted to continue. Some of the used chemicals have the potential to persist in the environment for an extremely long time, posing a risk to environmental health, ecosystems, and biodiversity. Global climate change and its inevitable consequences are viewed as a threat to the world's future, and the progression of renewable energy sources is encouraged by limiting the use of fossil fuels. Clean and protected environments, biodiversity protection, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, slowing climate change, and conducting adaptation studies are the concerns that must be prioritized for our future.

The TÜBA Environment, Biodiversity, and Climate Change Working Group was formed to organize conferences and workshops, conduct assessments, and make recommendations in order to share scientific studies on Environment, Biodiversity, and Climate Change with society and relevant institutions and organizations.


Prof. Mehmet Emin Aydın / Executive / TÜBA Full Member / Necmettin Erbakan University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Eyüp Debik / Yıldız Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Güleda Engin / Yıldız Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Sezai Ercişli / Atatürk University, Department of Horticulture
Prof. Gülen Güllü / Hacettepe University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Taşkın Kavzoğlu / TÜBA Associate Member / Gebze Technical University, Geomatics Engineering
Prof. Kasım Koçak / İstanbul Technical University, Meteorological Engineering 
Prof. İsmail Koyuncu / TÜBA Full Member / Istanbul Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. İzzet Öztürk / TÜBA Full Member / Istanbul Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Münir Öztürk / Member of Ege University
Prof. Nüket Sivri / İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Kazim Şahin / TÜBA Full Member / Firat University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Prof. Ahmet Duran Şahin / İstanbul Technical University, Meteorological Engineering 
Prof. Mete Tayanç / Marmara University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Prof. Doğan Yaşar / Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology