Academy Membership:

In the Academy membership is divided into three types which are Principle member, Associate member and Honorarymember.

  • The number of Principle and Associate members totals three hundred with one hundred fifty of each.
  • Honorary membership is not subject to limitation.
  • The principle and associate members each prepare a report of the research they have done and plan to do in the following year and present it to the Academy Council.

Conditions for Being Selected as a Member:​

  • Principal members shall be selected from amongst the elite scientists of Turkish nationality who meet the following criteria: To have received awards or medals from respected national or international institutions; to have discoveries, inventions, theories or models named after himself or herself; and/or to have been cited in textbooks or review articles and to have a high number of generally accepted cited references in international science citation indices.
  • Associate members shall be selected from amongst the young and talented scientists of Turkish nationality who are candidates for Principal membership.
  • Honorary members shall be selected from amongst the scientists of Turkish nationality who may not be Principal members due to the age limitation despite having the required qualifications, and from amongst foreign scientists who have the required qualifications for Principal membership and who have any connection or cooperation with Türkiye .

Membership Selection:

  • One third of the Principal and Associate members are selected by the Science Board of TÜBİTAK, one third by the Board of Higher Education (YÖK) and one third by the Principal members.
  • For the Principal, Associate and Honorary members to be elected by the Principal members: The Principal member will submit in writing to the Academy Council for the nomination of the candidate, and the candidate must be supported in writing by     two members of the General Assembly other than the nominating member. Following the approval of the Academy Council, the candidacy shall be submitted to the approval of the General Assembly.
  • Principal membership lasts until the age of sixty-seven. Members whose Principal membership expires due to the age limit automatically become Honorary members. Associate members are elected for three years. The term for Associate membership is a maximum of nine years.