TÜBA Application and Evaluation Process of the Scientific Publication

The publications of TÜBA are indexed in the Web of Science Book Citation Index (WoS-BKCI).

The scientific manuscripts requested to be published by TÜBA should be sent to tuba@tuba.gov.tr    

Preliminary Review and Plagiarism Checking:
The manuscript is examined in terms of compliance with the TÜBA publication principles, academic writing rules, and citation styles. The similarities are checked over the plagiarism program reports. It is mandatory that the similarity rate should be less than 20%. This percentage is depending on the scientific discipline and characteristics of the publication (excluding bibliography). TÜBA Academic Services Department shares the above conditions meeting text with the area editors according to the subject of the text. The area editors selected from of the members of TÜBA. 

Area Editors Review:
Following the completion of the Preliminary Review, the candidate full texts are checked for Plagiarism. The full text is reviewed by at least two field editors in terms of scientific method, problematic and academic language-style. This process is carried out in the context of the principles of double-blind arbitration. The referee process is carried out with the "Evaluation Form". The opinions of the referees about the full text are reported to the author by preserving the double-blind principles. In case the authors object to the referee opinions, time is given for the objection and to express their opinions. If the evaluation of both referees is positive, the full text is submitted to the TÜBA Editorial Board with a proposal to be evaluated for publication. If one of the referees gives a negative opinion, the full text is sent to a third referee. The texts can proceed to the next stage with the positive decision of at least two referees.

TÜBA Editorial Board Review:
Manuscripts that receive a positive opinion from the field editor's review are submitted to the TÜBA General Publication Board, which is authorized by the TÜBA Council, together with the evaluation reports, before the publication. For the manuscript to be published, it must be resolved by most votes in the TÜBA General Editorial Board.

   a.TÜBA General Editorial Board is responsible for examining the works for incoming publication requests. For publications to be published within the scope of projects carried out by TÜBA, TÜBA Council authorizes the Project Coordinators and Scientific Boards to prepare publications. For example, the editorial board of TÜBA Turkish-Islamic Science Cultural Heritage Project (TİBKM) is fixed. Scientists who want to apply within the scope of this project send their full texts with the electronic application form to TÜBA for evaluation by the TİBKM Project editorial board. The works that are found suitable are submitted to the TÜBA Council.

   b.TÜBA scientific reports, unlike books, are conducted through TÜBA working groups. There are seven working groups which actively operate by TUBA: Stem Cell Working Group, Public Health Working Group, Food and Nutrition Working Group, Science and Education Policies Working Group, Energy Working Group, Information Technologies and Communication Working Group and Sustainable Development, Finance and Environment Working Group. After the scientific programs they have carried out, these study groups request full texts from the participants to publish the presented studies. These studies are evaluated by the members of the Working Group in terms of method, problematic and academic language-style. After the studies to be revised are shared with the authors, the manuscripts are submitted to the TÜBA Council with the final reading and evaluation report of the Executive of the Working Group. With the approval of the TÜBA Council, the works are sent to the TÜBA Press Unit for publication,

   c.TÜBA carries out terminology mapping studies within the scope of different scientific disciplines. These studies are added to the literature as scientific books. These studies are operated by the TÜBA Science Terms Executive Board. Board members come together periodically and continue their terminology mapping studies. After the editorial and referee processes of the full texts to be published in this field are completed, the works suitable for publication are submitted to the TÜBA Council

   d.TÜBA makes public announcements on issues that stand out in terms of the scientific agenda, and for scientists in trend-setting research areas. Scientific texts in the titles deemed appropriate by the TÜBA Council are evaluated by conducting editorial and refereeing processes and published with the approval of the TÜBA Council.

If the reviewers request revisions in the manuscript they have examined, the relevant reports are sent to the author to ensure that the revisions are made. The author sends his revisions to the field editor with the "Review mode"

Turkish Language Control:
Studies that result in a positive referee process are reviewed by the Turkish Language Editor and the author is asked to revise the necessary points.

English Language Check:
Studies that pass the Turkish language control are reviewed by the English Language Editor and, if necessary, a correction is requested from the author. If the author wishes, he can get a professional service for this. Proof of professional service is requested from the authors with whom proofreading is requested.

Typesetting and Layout Stage: 
The work, which is decided to be published, is sent to the publishing unit for graphic and design processes.

Copyright transfer agreements are signed with the author(s) of the work to be published.

Data Submission to National and International Indices:
The published works are sent to the central libraries of Turkey’s higher education institutions as one copy within 60 days at the latest. Manuscripts for sale are offered to readers on the TÜBA Online Publication Sales page (https://satis.tuba.gov.tr). Free of charge works are published on the TÜBA website (http://www.tuba.gov.tr/tr/yayinlar/suresiz-yayinlar) via Open Access. Metadata of the books is sent to the indices where TÜBA publications are scanned within 15 days. Published books are archived in TÜBA databases with all official correspondence and reviewer processes.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of TÜBA Field Editors, TÜBA Project Editorial Boards and Working Group Members in the Publication Process
TÜBA editors have ethical duties and responsibilities based on the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Relations with Authors
The duties and responsibilities of our editors with the authors are as follows:

  • Our editors make positive or negative decisions based on the importance, original value, validity, clarity of expression and the goals and objectives of TÜBA publications.
  • Our editors take the studies that are suitable for the scope of the publication to the preliminary evaluation stage as long as they do not have serious problems.
  • Our editors do not ignore positive reviewer suggestions unless there is a serious problem with the study.
  • New editors do not change the decisions made by the previous editor (s) regarding the work unless there is a serious problem.
  • The "Blind reviewer and Evaluation Process" is strictly operated, and our editors try to prevent any possible problems in the defined processes.
  • Our editors have prepared an "Author Guidelines", which includes every subject expected by the authors in detail and has been published on our website. This page, which is an author guide, is updated at certain time intervals.
  • Our editors provide descriptive and informative notification and feedback to the authors.

Relations with Reviewers
The duties and responsibilities of our editors with reviewers are as follows:

  • They determine the referees according to the subject of the study.
  • They are obliged to provide the information and guides that the referees will need during the evaluation phase.
  • Authors and referees must consider whether there is a conflict of interest.
  • They keep the identities of the referees confidential in the context of blind arbitration.
  • Encourage referees to consider working in an impartial, scientific and objective language.
  • Evaluate the referees with criteria such as return on time and performance.
  • They develop practices and policies that increase the performance of referees.
  • Take the necessary steps to dynamically update the referee pool.
  • They prevent rude and unscientific evaluations.

Editorial and Blind Review Processes
Our editors: They are obliged to implement the "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" policies in the journal publishing policies. In this context, our editors strive to ensure that every work is completed in a fair, impartial and timely evaluation process.

Quality assurance
Our editors: They are responsible for publishing every book to be published in TÜBA publications in accordance with the publication policies and international standards defined here.

Protection of Personal Data
Our editors: They are obliged to ensure the protection of personal data regarding the subjects or images in the evaluated studies. They are obliged to refuse to work unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented. In addition, editors; they are responsible for protecting the individual data of authors, reviewers and readers.

Ethics Committee, Human and Animal Rights
Our editors: It is responsible for ensuring the protection of human and animal rights in the evaluated studies. They are responsible for refusing the study in the absence of ethical committee approval for the subjects used in the studies and permission for experimental research.

Research requiring Ethics Committee permission are as follows:

  1. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require the collection of data from the participants using questionnaire, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
  2. The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
  3. Clinical studies on humans,
  4. Animal studies,
  5. Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,

Ensuring Academic Publication Integrity
Our editors are responsible for ensuring that the judgments in the works that contain errors, inconsistencies or misdirection are corrected quickly.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Our editors: They are obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all published books and to defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in possible violations. In addition, editors are also responsible for taking the necessary measures to ensure that the content in all published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.

Constructiveness and Openness to Discussion
Our editors:

  •  They should consider convincing criticisms of the works published by TÜBA and display a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.
  • They should give the author(s) of the criticized studies the right to defense.
  • They should not ignore or exclude studies with negative results.

Our editors: They are responsible for responding in an enlightening and descriptive manner by carefully reviewing complaints from authors, reviewers or readers.

Political and Business Concerns
In TÜBA's book publications, no political and commercial factors affect our editors' making independent decisions.

Conflicts of Interest
Our editors: The author (s) should ensure that the publication process of the manuscripts is completed in an independent and impartial manner, considering the conflicts of interest between the reviewers and other editors.