TÜBA's "Scientific Authored Awards Program (TÜBA-TESEP)" aims to encourage the production of qualified Turkish copyright works for universities. The program, which was called the Scientific Copyright and Translation Work Awards (TEÇEP) until 2016, has been decided to continue to be implemented as the Scientific Authored Awards Program (TÜBA-TESEP), where only copyright works are awarded from 2017 onwards. For TESEP 2023, works first published in Turkish in 2018 or later can be proposed. The deadline for submission of applications for the TUBA-TESEP 2023 Awards is 27 March 2023.
The Award Programme can be applied for copyrighted works that are taught at universities at all levels or that can be taught/used. The application is made for the last edition of the work. The works must include an index and bibliography. The applications are examined and evaluated by the Field Evaluation Committees (ADC), which are formed by taking into account the disciplines related to the works, by taking the opinions of the referees. The ADCs submit their recommendations to the Main Committee consisting of the ADC coordinators and the President of the Academy. The Main Committee submits its recommendations for the TESEP award to the Academy Council. The winners of the "Scientific Copyright Award" or the "Notable Copyright (Honorable Mention) Award" are decided by the Academy Council.
The winners of the "Copyright Award" receive a cash prize of 40,000TL and a certificate, and the winners of the "Noteworthy Copyright Award (Honorable Mention)" receive a prize of 20,000TL and a certificate.