Statement by the TÜBA about the latest situation in Palestine

Statement by the TÜBA about the latest situation in Palestine

TÜBA expresses deep concern over the recent tragic events in Palestine, particularly the grave violations of international law and human rights by the Israeli government through its occupation and attacks. We are appalled by the attacks on civilian populations and civil institutions, notably the targeting of a civilian healthcare facility on October 17, 2023. Israel persists in its occupation and attacks in Palestinian territories, disregarding all legal norms and United Nations Security Council resolutions. TÜBA vehemently condemns this unlawful occupation and ceaseless aggression.

We reiterate that under international law, civilian rights, and assets, including medical facilities, educational institutions, and other public entities, are protected. Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilian facilities and populations, such as hospitals, schools, and places of worship, constitutes a blatant disregard for the Geneva Conventions, as well as a violation of global conscience and the fundamental values of peace and cooperation. We demand an immediate cessation of these violations, which constitute crimes against humanity.

TÜBA calls upon the Israeli government to cease its unlawful and disproportionate attacks and urges all parties to adhere to human rights and international law, protect civilian lives, and work towards a peaceful resolution. The international community must ensure accountability in the event of violations of legal norms. TÜBA underscores the need for collective action based on academic research and legal jurisprudence to uphold human dignity, international law, and regional and global peace.

We extend our condolences to the Palestinian citizens who have lost their lives and offer our sympathies to the Palestinian people. TÜBA reaffirms its solidarity with the innocent Palestinians striving to survive in the occupied Palestinian territories.