Changing Climate: Solutions for Water Management in TRNC

Changing Climate: Solutions for Water Management in TRNC

The solution proposals put forward as a result of scientific sharing and discussions at the "Workshop on Efficiency in Natural Resources and Alternative Energy Solutions" organized by the TÜBA Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Energy Working Group were published in the study titled "Water Management in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus within the Framework of Climate Change".

The health of the world stands at a critical crossroad.
Speaking about the study, TÜBA President Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Şeker said that the world stands at a critical crossroad where natural resource management, environmental sustainability and climate change issues force the world to review and change policies and practices. He reminded that the G20 Declaration emphasized that increasing global greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, loss of biodiversity, drought and desertification threaten both life and means of living.