TÜBA Principle Member Prof. Dr. Taner Demirer receives the ‘TBMM Honor Award’
TÜBA Principle Member and Ankara University Medical Faculty Hematology Specialty Staff Member Prof. Dr. Taner Demirer received the 2014 ‘TBMM Honor Award’.
Prof. Dr. Taner Demirer, elected as a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2013, was chosen as the recipient of the ‘TBMM Honor Award’ due to his determination of the factors effective in allogeneic and autologous stem cell mobilization, forming an international research group to assess by meta-analysis the efficiency of high dose chemotherapy in breast cancer and autologous stem cell transplant, establishing the first Ministry of Health affiliated Bone Marrow Transplant Center in the Ankara Numune Hospital in 1999 and achieving the TÜBİTAK Science Award in the field of health.
At the conclusion of the Culture, Arts and Broadcasting Board member evaluations of 103 applications, conducted between January 2 and February 28, it was decided that this year’s recipients of the TBMM Honor Award would be Prof. Dr. Taner Demirer, who was nominated by the TÜBA Directorate and Prof. Dr. Koçan from the Okan University Fine Arts Faculty, who was nominated by the Bayburt District Governorship-Okan University Rector.
Prof. Dr. Demirer, who expressed his great excitement at receiving the Honor Award from the TBMM, a symbol of Turkey’s republic and independence said: “Having been recognized by the supreme council is a great source of pride for me. The value that has been placed with this recognition by the supreme council on my work to date will be an invaluable source of encouragement to my work from now on. While it is a great source of pride it is also a great responsibility and I will strive to be deserving of this honor for the rest of my life.”