TÜBA Principal Member Prof. Şahin Has Received Two Patents from “USA Patent Institute.”

TÜBA Principal Member Prof. Şahin Has Received Two Patents from “USA Patent Institute.”

TÜBA Principal Member, TÜBA Food and Nutrition Working Group Leader and Firat University Faculty Member Prof. Kazım Şahin has received two patents from the United States of America (USA) Patent Institute for his work periodontitis and retinal eye damage.

Prof. Şahin spoke about his works as: “In periodontitis, tissue destruction is caused by the inflammation of the surrounding tissues and the loss of the tooth without carious teeth. This situation is widespread in the world and especially in our country. To protect, we gave arginine silicate and inositol substance to experimental animals. As a result of the research, we have found that this material reduces tissue destruction. The decrease in bone destruction has occurred. We have therefore obtained a patent on the use of arginine silicate and inositol compound for periodontitis.”

Prof. Kazım Şahin, took the other patent for his works on retinal eye damage, states: “Diabetes disrupts especially the nerve layer of the eye (retina or network layer) by affecting blood vessels in this layer and can lead to vision loss. Retinal disorders associated with diabetes are called diabetic retinopathy. In this study, we tested chromium compounds with the aim of preventing retinopathy. We have determined that chromium reduces insulin activity and damage to retinas by regulating glucose transport.”