TÜBA-1. New Techniques in Stem Cell Production Course was Performed
'TÜBA-1. New Techniques in Stem Cell Production Course', prepared in 5th Lymphoma-Myeloma National Congress was held in Antalya on 25-26 April.
TÜBA aiming development of national standards for centers engaged stem cell transplantation or wishing to, on the subject of cell processing, sorting, freezing, to bring centers to the same level, to educate related personnel and develop experiences, when supporting 15 scientists among the applications made for attending course, 25 scientists from Turkish Republics and countries in the region were attended with TÜBA and TİKA support.
Stem Cell Study Group Coordinator Prof. Dr. Bülent Zülfikar started the speech in congress opening, reading Head of TÜBA Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cevat Acar message and following that gave the news the report regulated by the TÜBA- Stem Cell Study Group in the Erciyes University will be presented to related organizations and public opinion. Prof. Dr. Zülfikar terminated his words transmitting thanks to TÜBA-Stem Cell Study Group, Lymphoma - Myeloma Association and TIKA for their co-operations.
Prof. Dr. Ercüment Ovalı: “TÜBA-Stem Cell Courses will Continue”
From TÜBA-Stem Cell Study Group Members Prof. Dr. Ercüment Ovalı who had an active role in the regulation and execution TÜBA-1. New Techniques Courses in Stem Cell production, has answered our questions about course.
What TÜBA 1th Aims in New techniques Courses in stem Cell production?
By planning we can operate in an ongoing course and we thought it was first step frankly complicated topics I want to address the subject from the beginning. Despite In Turkey, every year nearly 3,000 transplants are made, the vast majority of the centers of our country are not on international standards. That's why the main purpose of first day of the course, in the hands of anyone not have a guide on how and what you will do on the subject of how stem cells for bone marrow transplant to be collected, will be processed, stored, and how to control the quality and on which tests should be done on this issue, everyone knows their works with the special standards
The purpose of the second day is to provide a prediction of what happens in the next 10 years in transplant and to introduce them the first two products of this prediction. Being limited of course participation provided that everyone has to be included verbatim in the course. We need to bring more otherwise I think that it was unfinished. Participants will want to apply things on their work areas; problems can arise at this point because those who not participate will not have information of participants. To eliminate this problem, we will publish course guides very quickly. Thus, the guide which we will prepare as TÜBA publication will be used as common source and there will not difference between operations.
From which are names created participant profile?
Doctors from the field of biologists, chemists, histology, embryology from Turkey, Turkish Republics and countries and regions or IVF from the institute of biotechnology and names already engaged in this business in bone marrow transplant center.
How do you plan to perform to continue the course?
Our next course will consist of two separate parts; one is in similar quality with the course that we perform here; other will be prepared for professionals. We will organize special courses Products manipulations cannot be done until now in Turkey, to enter into routine. For example, cells are produced abroad for many years against viruses but we cannot do. Because of Swine flu, bird flu a lot of people was panic because there is no drug prepared related to this. An immune system prepared against these can create a revolution. Although Turkey has this technology, was not in the capacity to produce their own medicine using biological systems. Now it is in this capacity and will announce it.
So we must provide this kind of educations every year. The course after that will came true under the leadership of TÜBA, will also invite some association professionals in this field. Because, we need physical space in better conditions to enhance the benefit of course. Our plan is to perform the course in centers produces this work by associations and organizations.
Participants in the course will be given a certificate indicating that they participated?
In total we will give two kinds of certificates, about contributions that occurred and where the courses take place during education. Second Certificate will be evidence of what has been learned, which issues were discussed and executed. For example those who attends to this course, is the unique group who received cryopreservation education in bone marrow transplantation in Turkey and thus to write lecture name is so important.
Also, some scientists who participated in Stem - Cell Course have stated their ideas:
Valeh Huseynov/ Hematologist / Azerbaijan
We biologists, consisting of 10 people as oncologists and hematologists participated as a group from Azerbaijan. Met with many changes such as the cells depressions used in haploidentical transplants, TÜBA course of the stem cell was very useful especially for our biologist friends and of course for us all.
Rada Grubovic/ Hematologist /Macedonia
I had the opportunity to learn here that i did not know both theoretical and practical points , particularly alpha beta cells presentation was very useful for me, what I saw in my research on T cell I think I can use.
Ziba Mokhber Oskoui / PhD Student
I am very happy for I have been chosen and being able to attend the course, which was very useful for me. Everyone has an identical interest in the course, I had the chance to practice, especially with flow cytometer. Specifically, the practice was very important for me anyway theoretical part can be learned from books. Practically everyone could join in the course, we have experienced have identical.
Pelin Küçük / KTU Medical Biology Department PhD Student
The course was very useful for me, because here the analysis of the CFR or presentations such as flow cytometer ensured a parallel education in the work in the lab . From this perspective was very productive for me.
Merve Alpay / Department of Ankara University Biochemistry Research Assistant
We learn what is stem cells, so the theoretic, by reading, but in what way is applied at the clinic , for example, how the tests being done without transplant before administered to tissue or the patient, I had experienced in this course how could make monitoring stem cells as stem cells development in tissue. I saw these courses can be shown within the course. I am very happy for being able to portray clinical use in my mind. I'm sure what i learned from will be very effective in my future work.
Gülşah Kürkçü/Izmir Institute of Technology PhD Student
I'm watching closely all the activities of TÜBA and I'm trying to attend all. In particular, such as high cost of detailed courses for students to meet these costs is getting close to impossible, also want to thank you very much to TÜBA as it meets all of these costs.
Liljana Simjanoska/ Embryologist /Macedonia
Closely concerned with stem cells as a scientist, but I did not have enough information yet, the course was very instructive for me in that sense. I found a novel method with cultured cells, but Macedonia has not enough space and equipment, i would like to implement my work in Turkey, I had the opportunity to share my thoughts with Prof. Dr. Ovalı. From my perspective, the course was very successful; it was a good experience and a good education. In my research I learned many details could need.
Hilal Göktürk / Specialist Doctor
The course was useful for me because I started to practice before all things, and therefore the theoretical side was weak, theoretical training I saw here was the basis for me. Course opened a window to me, I saw to tell from my own what I read actually corresponds to what here.
Elena Petkovij/Macedonia International/Transfusion Institute / Macedonia
CF analysis subjected presentation and learned a lot from the flow cytometer course. Everything was very good and we got a top-level education. So I really want to thank the TÜBA.