President Şeker Attended the 'Student Meeting' at the Embassy in Berlin

President Şeker Attended the 'Student Meeting' at the Embassy in Berlin

TÜBA President Prof. Muzaffer Şeker attended the "Student Meeting" organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Berlin on the occasion of the May 19 Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day and the opening of the Spring term of the 2023-2024 Academic Year.

The event, organized under the leadership of Ambassador Ahmet Başar Şen, Consul General of Berlin İlker Okan Şanlı and Deputy Education Counselor of the Embassy Prof. Erdal Tanas Karagöl, was attended by TÜBA Full Member Prof. Ahmet Nuri Yurdusev, TÜBA Young Academy Representative Asst. Prof. Mürsel Doğrul, academicians, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students and education officials attended the event.

In the program attended by approximately 1000 guests, Mehmet Vakur Erkul, Ambassador-Secretary at the Embassy of Türkiye in Berlin, İlker Okan Şanlı, Consul General of Türkiye in Berlin and Prof. Muzaffer Şeker, President of TÜBA gave speeches.

Ambassador Şen emphasized Türkiye's need for educated, self-developed individuals. Şen said, " Türkiye needs you; Germany needs you, no matter where you are in the world, if your heart beats for Türkiye, if you are trying to make a contribution for that country, it means that you have actually done your duty for Türkiye." Esma Köroğlu, an undergraduate student of Social Sciences at Berlin Humboldt University, and Ömer Salha, a PhD student at Cologne University Faculty of Law, made speeches on behalf of students studying in Germany.

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