'Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923' Presentation Meeting

'Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923' Presentation Meeting

The launch meeting of the 13-volume work titled "Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923" published within the scope of the Local Histories of the National Struggle Project prepared in cooperation with TÜBA and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University (FSMVÜ) was held at TÜBA Rabi Madrasa.

In the book, Türkiye's memory of the National Struggle was analyzed within the framework of 7 regions and 81 provinces, and research and studies were conducted on the historiography of the National Struggle. The principle of a comparative approach to local experiences and a multidimensional approach to the conditions of time and space was adopted. It was assumed that the foregrounding of local subjects, events and places is essential for the writing of a history that people can feel part of and own, and that looking at the National Struggle from the local perspective will allow it to be seen locally and widely. In contrast to the homogenizing narrative of the National Struggle in official or traditional historiography, a series that lifts the veil on local differences and the fact that the National Struggle is a history that all social elements and layers lived and remembered together was put forward.

The most successful and systemic work dedicated to the 100th anniversary
Stating that the 3-year work is a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the Republic, President Şeker underlined that the work is a labor-intensive product and first of all thanked the referees, article authors, editors, scientists who made valuable contributions to the scientific boards established for the project and TÜBA Council members.

President Şeker said: "It is very difficult to conduct a recent history study based on objective scientific sources, and if you are competing with time, you need to be very attentive, meticulous and careful. As TÜBA, we have included a series of activities for the 100th anniversary in our program; one of them, the Local Histories of the National Struggle Project, was supported by the TÜBA Council when it was proposed to the Academy. In the end, I believe that the scientists who worked on the project have produced the most successful and systemic work for the 100th anniversary of the Republic. Experts in the field will of course evaluate it. The value of the works presented as a contribution to the literature will be understood over time. Of course there would be criticism, it is natural. I would like to state that we are always open to constructive and healthy criticism."

Many firsts were collected in "Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923".
Stating that it is an honor to fulfill an important task on the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye, Dr. Göleç said: "We do not see the National Struggle as the past. We remember it as a history that has not passed but whose effects continue. The National Struggle is our common national memory. It is an important event in the birth of modern Türkiye that cannot be compared with any other event. That is why there was little to be done about the National Struggle on its centenary. Almost every institution in our country has been working on the 100th anniversary of the National Struggle. The Local Perspectives on the National Struggle Project, conducted under the auspices of TÜBA, was one of the most comprehensive of these studies. A project of this scale and scope could only come to life with a long time and intense labor, and it did." He gave detailed information about writing a chronological monograph, the editorial process, the use of terminology and the design process.

Göleç stated that many firsts were realized with the 13-volume work titled Türkiye 1918-1923: Local History of the National Struggle and pointed out that the work emerged as one of the most comprehensive reference works on the National Struggle. He said that the existing knowledge of the field was brought together for the first time on this scale, some original sources on the National Struggle that had never been used before were used for the first time in this study and original information was added to the literature. He stated that the time of the National Struggle has been expanded, its space has been expanded and unknown or little known subjects have been introduced. The meeting ended after the photo shoot.