Significant Success of The Principal Member of TÜBA, Prof. Dr. Gökhan Hotamışlıgil and his team
New researches, led by Gökhan Hotamışlıgil who is the Principal Member of TÜBA in Harvard University Genetics and Complex Diseases Departmant,has revealed a mechanism which plays an important role in destruction of beta cells responsible for producing type 1 insulin in diabetes. Furthermore, researches show that this disease could be avoided by a medicine which is natural and effective enough to stop the destruction, on the other hand, using naturally occuring bile acid introduces a new and effective protection and treatment against type 1 diaebetes.
Prof. Dr. Hotamışlıgil stressed the importance of hard work and said: “The results of this study shows us that diabetes could be avoided just by protecting beta cells even without concerning the immune system, thus a new era opens for treatment of the disease. Our finding mechanism and chemical have the capacity for delaying the occurence of the illness considerably or even destroying it completely for children who are in this phase. Thanks to those found mechanisms, we anticipate that other chemicals will be improved for the same object and alternatives will be reached which people-at-risk need strongly.
On November 13th, 2013, one of the leading science magazines Science TM reported Dr. Gökhan Hotamışlıgil and his team’s study which is supported by Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).