Service Award from TÜRKSAV to TÜBA Honour Member Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık
‘’18th International Turkish Society Service Awards’’ which is given by Turkish Society Writers and Artists Foundation (TÜRKSAV) for drawing attention to whom do service about Turkish Society and remind the loyalty, found it’s owners.
In consequende of his ‘’International well-qualified studies on Ottoman History’’ TÜBA Honour Member Prof. Dr. Halil İnalcık has been deemed worthy for award.
Board Chairman of foundation Yahya AKENGİN, in his speach held in the meeting which is organised in the headquarter of TÜRKSAV, stated people and organisations doing service for Turkish Society from Turkey, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, and announced that TRT Turkish Television, The Back Room of History, New Turkey Magazine, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kafalı, Prof. Dr. Enver Konukça, Lect. Dr. Osman Karatay, President of Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) Serdar Çam has been rewarded.