THE 2012 TUBA awardees for writing and translating university textbooks are announced
The awardees of the 2012 TÜBA Awards for University Textbooks (copyrighted and translated works) are announced: 18 works in natural, engineering, life and social sciences were given the “Copyrighted and Translated Works Award” while 12 works received the “Remarkable Work Award (Honorable Mention)”. The awards will be presented at a ceremony to be held in Ankara on June 8, 2013, on the occasion of the General Assembly meeting of TÜBA.
This award program was founded in 2007 to encourage textbook writing at international standards in Turkish language and translation into Turkish of the best textbooks in all fields. The awarded works including those who will receive honorable mention are listed below.
We congratulate our awardees.
Presidium of the Turkish Academy of Sciences
The 2012 Awardees of the TÜBA University Textbooks Award*
Natural Sciences
§ Analitik Kimya Temel İlkeler, Cilt I - II, 8. Baskı(dan çeviri), Çev.Ed.leri: Prof. Dr. Esma Kılıç, Prof. Dr. Hamza Yılmaz, 2007 (Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 2004, Skoog, D.A, Crouch, S.R., Holler, J.F., West, D.M., 8th Ed.) (Translated)
§ Analiz IV: Topoloji, Metrik Uzaylar, Tıkızlık, Fonksiyonel Analizin Temelleri, (Topology, Metric Space, Bases of Functional Analysis) Prof.Dr. Ali Nesin, 2011 (Copyrighted)
§ Kalkülüs: Eksiksiz Bir Ders, Cilt I-Cilt II, Yedinci Baskıdan Çeviri, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Terziler, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tahsin Öner, 2012, (Calculus: A Complete Course, Adams, R., Essex, C., 2010, 7th Ed.) (Translated)
§ Nümerik Analiz: Bilimsel Hesaplama Matematiği, Üçüncü Baskıdan Çeviri, Çev.Ed: Doç. Dr. Nuri Özalp, 2012, (Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific Computing, Kincaid, D., Cheney, W., 2002, 3rd Ed.) (Translated)
Engineering Sciences
§ Ekserji Analizi (İkinci Kanun Verimi & Termoekonomi), (Exergy Analysis) Prof. Dr. Hafit Yüncü , 2010 (Copyrighted)
§ Elektrik Devreleri, 8. Baskıdan Çeviri, Çev.Ed: Prof. Dr. Adnan Köksal, 2012, (Electric Circuits, Nilsson, J., Riedel, S., 2008,8th Ed. ) (Translated)
§ Lif Bitkileri, (Fiber Crops) Prof.Dr. Mehmet Mert , 2009 (Copyrighted)
Life Sciences
§ Kedi ve Köpeklerde Kemik ve Eklemlere Cerrahi Yaklaşım Atlası, Çev.Ed.leri: Prof. Dr. Zafer Okumuş, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Mahir Kaya, 2011, 4. Baskı(dan çeviri), (An Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 2004, Piermattei, D.L., Johnson, K.A., 4th Ed.) (Translated)
§ Sinir ve Kas Fizyolojisi Temel Bilgileri, (Fundamentals of Nevre and Muscle Physiology) Prof. Dr. Lamia Pınar, (Copyrighted)
§ Ürogenital Radyoloji, (Urogenital Radiology) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Seçil, 2011 (Copyrighted)
Social Sciences
§ Avrupa Birliği'ne Giriş: Tarih, Kurumlar ve Politikalar, (Introduction to the European Union: History, Institutions and Policies) Derleyenler (Ed.s): Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya, Senem Aydın Düzgit, Yaprak Gürsoy, Özge Onursal Beşgül, 2011 (Copyrighted)
§ Ekonometriye Giriş, Prof. Dr. Bedriye Saraçoğlu, 2011, (Introduction To Econometrics, 2007, Stock, J.H., Watson, M.W., 2nd Ed.) (Translated)
§ Grupla Psikolojik Danışma, (Psycological Councelling with Groups) Ed.s: Prof. Dr. Ayhan Demir, Dr. Selda Koydemir, 2011 (Copyrighted)
§ İktisadi Büyüme ve Bölüşüm Teorileri, (Economic Growth and Distribution Theories) Prof. Dr. A. Erinç Yeldan, 2. Baskı, 2011. (Copyrighted)
§ İktisat Biliminin Temelleri, (Fundamentals of Economics) Prof. Dr. Halil Seyidoğlu, Geliştirilmiş 2. Baskı, 2011. (Copyrighted)
§ Para, Bankacılık ve Finansal Piyasalar İktisadı, Sekizinci Baskıdan Çeviri, Çev.Ed: Prof. Dr. Nazım Engin, 2011, (The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Mishkin, 2010, 8th Ed.) (Translated)
§ Sosyal Psikoloji, (Social Psycology) Prof. Dr. Nuri Bilgin(Ed.), 4. Baskı, 2011 (Copyrighted)
§ Uluslararası Örgütler, (International Organisations) Ed.s: Prof. Dr. Çınar Özen, Doç. Dr. Özgür Tonus, 2011.(Copyrighted)
* Books are listed in alphabetical order.