Temiz Üretim, Yeşil Mutabakat ve Sürdürülebilir Atık Yönetimi

The European Green Deal And The Status Of Türkiye Within The Framework Of Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by United Nations (UN) member states in September 2015, entered into force on January 1, 2016. Consisting of 17 articles, the SDGs are a universal call for ending poverty, protecting the environment, taking measures against the climate crisis, and fair sharing of prosperity and peace. Today’s economic, climatic and social crises have made these goals even more important. Countries have accelerated their policy implementation toward inclusive and sustainable growth and development with the increasing frequency of regional and global crises. The European Union (EU) launched a new climate change-focused growth and development model with the circular economy at its centre in December 2019. This process, called the European Green Deal (ECC), aims to make the EU a continent where economic growth is decoupled from resource use, where no individual is left behind, and with net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Aligning with the SDGs is at the heart of the ECC. The European Union is one of Türkiye’s most important economic and political partners. The EU’s implementation of the ECC will significantly impact the Turkish economy. Therefore, Türkiye needs to put in place the necessary regulations for harmonization with the ECHR. In this framework, this study aims to analyse Türkiye’s harmonization with the Constitutional Court within the framework of the SDGs.

Burcu Yavuz Tiftikçigil
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.978-625-8352-57-3.ch04