National Technology Initiative: Social Reflections and Türkiye's Future

Defence Technologies And Technology Culture

Focusing on the interaction between culture and technology, primarily in the defence sector, the present study contends that the development of defence industries lays the groundwork for the rise of the National Technology Initiative, and that a nationalized and localized culture of technology has become possible as a result of such an initiative. The study is composed of three parts. In the first part, the relationship between the National Technology Initiative and defence industry, and its impact on the culture and the constitutive role of the rise of defence industry in this relationship is discussed. The second part analyses the strategic constitutive elements behind the rise of the defence sector, being political leadership, focus and stability, the construction of an eco-system, a broad spectrum of products, intersectoral interaction, popularization, and a mass awakening. The third and the final part of the article examines the constitutive concepts behind the National Technology Initiative and suggests new paths for the deepening of this initiative.

İsmail Demir
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.978-625-8352-17-7.ch14